Kansas Herpetological Society Officers
The Kansas Herpetological Society is governed by the Executive Council (EC). The EC consists of five elected officials (President, Past-President, President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary) and two officers appointed by the current President (Historian and Editor). The duties of each office are ascribed in the KHS Bylaws.
The President selects the Chairperson of the four KHS Standing Committees (Awards, Field Trips, Media/Publicity, and Nominating). Their duties are defined as follows:
Awards – This individual, in cooperation with others of her/his choosing, is tasked with selecting recipients for the various awards given by the KHS. Awards are typically given during the KHS Annual Meeting.
Field Trips – The Field Trip Chairperson is responsible for organizing the KHS Field Trips. The duties include selecting sites, securing permission, coordinating activities, etc.
Media/Publicity – Manages the KHS social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and prepares press releases to promote the KHS and its events.
Nominating – The Chairperson, in cooperation with others of her/his choosing, selects and vets individuals for vacant elected EC offices.
The President creates Ad Hoc Committees/Chairs (non-voting) as needed (e.g. Membership).
The President assigns Ad Hoc Liaisons (non-voting) as needed to external organizations to promote the interests of the KHS.